Install Laravel with Softaculous Print

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How to install Laravel with Softaculous

Laravel is the new web framework for web artisans and is now being available for installation on our shared servers through the Softaculous auto installer.

Before using the installer you have to activate the phar PHP extension. If you are hosted with Credible Hosting you can easily activate it from the “Select PHP version” menu under the “Software/Services” section in Cpanel.

Laravel also requires the usage of PHP 5.4 and the Mcrypt extension on your account which you can select from the same menu.


After making those configuations enter Softaculous which is also located under the “Software/Services” section in your Cpanel.
Search for “Laravel” in the searchbar in the upper right corner. All you need to do is choose the domain for your new Laravel installation and choose the location in the “In Directory” section. If you want to install it in your public_html leave the field blank.

This way you will have your Laravel framework hosted with just a few clicks!

You can always contact the Credible Hosting Support Team for Laravel assistance as well!

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