Wordpress Contact form - Knowledgebase - Credible Host

Wordpress Contact form Print

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If you are finding that your contact form messages are being sent but not arriving at the destination, it may be because there is no FROM address being specified in the form. In order to do this we recommend installing the following plugin: WP Mail SMTP by WPForms.

To do this navigate to the plugins section in WordPress and click “Add New”. Then search for the plugin as below:

Once you have installed that, activate it in the same plugins section as below:


Next, go into the Settings for the plugin

Fill in the plugin settings as per the images below. The ‘From Email’ would be an email address that exists on the server. Please also select the ‘Force From Email’ checkbox and ‘Other SMTP’.

Please note: Choosing Gmail/Mailgun/Sendgrid will not work as Remote SMTP connections are blocked. It must be an address on the server.

In SMTP Host put in mail.xxxxxxx.co.zw but replace XX with your domain name.

You can replace this with your domain name if you want to. However, it must resolve to the IP address of the server.

Fill in the rest of the settings as per the image.  Please note if using cPanel make sure authentication is enabled in the below settings using the email address and email address password.


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