Create/Delete Database or User Print

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Create or Delete a MySQL Database

Create a MySQL Database
  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Under Databases, click MySQL Databases.
  3. In the New Database field, type a name for the database.
  4. Click Create Database.
  5. Click Go Back.
    • The new database will appear in the Current Databases table.
Delete a MySQL Database
  1. Navigate to the Current Databases section of MySQL Databases.
  2. In the Actions column of the table, click Delete Database next to the database you wish to delete.

If you would like to remove a user that has been assigned to a database, click the X next to the user on this table. Please see the instructions below on how to assign a database user.

Create or Delete a Database User

After creating the database, you will need to create a user and assign privileges. Please note that MySQL user accounts must be created separately from mail and web administrator accounts.

Create a Database User
  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Under Databases, click MySQL Databases.
  3. Click Jump to MySQL Users in the top-right corner of the page.
  4. Under Add New User, enter a username.

  5. Enter a password in the Password field.
    • For help generating a strong password, click the Generate Password button.
  6. Retype the password in the Password (Again) field.
  7. Click Create User.
Delete a Database Use
  1. Navigate to the Current Users section of MySQL Databases.
  2. In the Delete column, click the X next to the user you wish to delete.

    Delete User from Database


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