Disable Billing in cPanel? Print

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In your cPanel account, you'll see the Billing & Support menu item:

The Billing and Support section provides links to access your AfeesHost Account without requiring your email address and password. We utilize a system called Single Sign-On, which allows you to sign in once and automatically log into other systems without any additional prompts.


cpanel billing support section

However, there might be situations where you wish to give cPanel access to a third party - such as a web designer - without giving them access to the billing details in your Credible Host Account. We have provided the options to switch off the Single Sign-On function:

  • Log into our client area: https://my.credible.host
  • In your Account menu: "Hello, <Your Name>!",
  • Click "Account Security",
  • Scroll down to the Single Sign-On section
  • Click the toggle to switch from the On to Off position

Now, when you click the Billing and Support links in cPanel, you’ll be prompted to log in to your Credible Host Account. Once you’ve completed your tasks in cPanel, you can follow the same steps to toggle the setting from Off to On.

If you encounter any difficulties removing it, please reach out to us, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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